Our Markets
World-class Software Solutions for your business needs Life Easier
Ictect Products and Solutions
We offer our software to enterprises as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, as well as on-premise.
- Reduces cost, time, quality and improves compliance in document workflows.
- Automates XML tagging of documents and extraction of meaningful information from unstructured documents.
- Creates structured documents with Microsoft Word.
Delivering Automated Extensible Markup Language (XML) To Enterprises, Workflows and External Systems
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language and file format for storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human and machine-readable. However, XML is not intuitive and requires specialized training. It is frequently outsourced to experts who know the language and must be hired to further manage the content. In organizations where XML workflows are used, Ictect software offers a unique value proposition to enable authors, editors, publishers and everyone in the content supply chain to use Microsoft Word and Office 365 to create and edit XML. This has resulted in significant time and cost-saving for organizations.
- Department of Defense Publications with DoD MILSPECS
- Aerospace and FMS documents with S-1000D standard
- Journals and Books with JATS/BITS standards
- Patent documents with XML4IP standard
- Technical publications with DITA standard
- Business Reports with XBRL standard
- And several other XML schemas and DTDs including those in your industry such as STS, FHIR and ACCORD
Automated Compliance Checks with Style Guides and Writing Conventions
Automated XML and Formatting to Standards and Regulations
Automated Integrity Checking and Conversion to XML
We selected Ictect's Intelligent Content software as it was the only one that successfully addressed the document and human factor constraints involved... invaluable partner in our efforts to use ever evolving information technologies
We are very satisfied with the product and services that Ictect has delivered and value Ictect as a trusted partner for fulfilling our operational mission and moving our vision of electronic publishing forward...
Ictect's editors needed to adhere to Peterson's style guidelines. Work was always done carefully and thoroughly, and all questions during the editing process were communicated and handled in a timely fashion...